Results for 'A. J. North'

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  1.  35
    A verification of the guessing-sequence hypothesis about spread of effect.C. A. Fagan & A. J. North - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (5):349.
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  2.  24
    Irrelevant or partially correlated stimuli in discrimination learning.M. A. Jeeves & A. J. North - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (2):90.
  3.  35
    Transcendental Biology.A. J. Nocek - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (4):1155-1180.
    This essay shows how Conrad Hal Waddington is at the very center of divergent genealogies of theoretical biology: he is at once remembered for his contribution to epigenetics and complex systems biology (in its current formation) and largely forgotten for the debt that he owes to Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. The essay traces Waddington's debt to Whitehead and demonstrates the way in which this conceptual lineage challenges the transcendental conditions of biological knowledge presupposed by the reigning paradigm (...)
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  4. Part B: A Brief History of Space.A. Koyre & J. North - unknown
    (I) Aristotle of Stagira (384-322 BC) 0) A closed geocentric spherical cosmology. (Adopted from the great mathematician, Eudoxus, c. 400 to 347 BC; via Calippus; but Aristotle unifies their separate schemes for different heavenly bodies). (Aristotle cites mathematicians as estimating radius of earth: in fact 200% of correct figure. Eratosthenes ca. 250 BC estimates radius of earth as 120% of correct).
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    The partial structure factors of liquid Cu-Sn.J. E. Enderby, D. M. North & P. A. Egelstaff - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (131):961-970.
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    Bedtimes of 11 to 14-year-old children in north-east England.A. J. Rugg-Gunn, A. F. Hackett, D. R. Appleton & J. E. Eastoe - 1984 - Journal of Biosocial Science 16 (2):291-297.
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    The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha (review). [REVIEW]A. J. Nicholson - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (4):577-580.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the BuddhaA. J. NicholsonRoger-Pol Droit. The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha. Translated by David Streight and Pamela Vohnson. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003. Pp. xii + 263.Roger-Pol Droit's recently translated study, The Cult of Nothingness: The Philosophers and the Buddha, is not a book about Buddhism per se. Rather, it is a rich and (...)
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  8.  14
    An Application of Linear Programming to the Minimization of Boolean Functions.A. Cobham, R. Fridshal & J. H. North - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):247-247.
  9. Recent Studies of Horace's Odes Matthew S. Santirocco: Unity and Design in Horace's Odes. Pp. x + 251. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1986. £24. David H. Porter: Horace's Poetic Journey: a Reading of Odes 1–3. Pp. xiv + 281; 9 diagrams. Princeton University Press, 1987. £22. Peter Connor: Horace's Lyric Poetry: the Force of Humour. (Ramus Monographs, 2.) Pp. x + 221. Victoria: Aureal Publications, 1987. Australian $24. [REVIEW]A. J. Woodman - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):208-211.
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  10.  53
    The Light of nature: essays in the history and philosophy of science presented to A.C. Crombie.John David North, John J. Roche & A. C. Crombie (eds.) - 1985 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the United States and Canada Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    INTRODUCTION This volume of essays is meant as a tribute to Alistair Crombie by some of those who have studied with him. The occasion of its publication is ...
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  11.  20
    The Lure of Whitehead.Nicholas Gaskill & A. J. Nocek (eds.) - 2014 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Once largely ignored, the speculative philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead has assumed a new prominence in contemporary theory across the humanities and social sciences. Philosophers and artists, literary critics and social theorists, anthropologists and computer scientists have all embraced Whitehead’s thought, extending it through inquiries into the nature of life, the problem of consciousness, and the ontology of objects, as well as into experiments in education and digital media. _The Lure of Whitehead_ offers readers not only a comprehensive introduction (...)
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  12.  61
    J. Nelson Kraybill: Imperial Cult and Commerce in John’s Apocalypse. (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Supplement 132.) Pp. 262, 10 pls. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. £33/$49. ISBN: 1-85075-616-3. [REVIEW]J. A. North - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):324-325.
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  13.  40
    The Cults of Cisalpine Gaul. [REVIEW]J. A. North - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (2):240-241.
  14.  16
    I sought a colleague: James Hope Moulton, papyrologist, and Edward Lee Hicks, epigraphist, 1903-1906.J. L. North - 1997 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79 (1):195-206.
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  15.  43
    Medieval Lunar Astrology: A Collection of Representative Middle English Texts. Laurel Means.J. North - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):631-632.
  16.  23
    Il Museo di Storia della Scienza a FirenzeMaria Luisa Righini Bonelli.J. North - 1972 - Isis 63 (4):570-571.
  17.  30
    The Pulse of Time: Galileo Galilei, the Determination of Longitude, and the Pendulum Clock. Silvio A. Bedini.J. North - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):491-492.
  18. T 3:30-5:20 lc 206.J. North - unknown
    There is no question that the theory of quantum mechanics is empirically successful. What the formalism of the theory says about the world, however, remains controversial. In this class, we will look at different theories of quantum mechanics. We will examine a range of philosophical issues that arise for the different theories, including the measurement problem, non-locality, the ontological status of the wavefunction and configuration space, the nature of probability, causation, and the compatibility of quantum mechanics with relativity.
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    Gears from the Greeks. The Antikythera Mechanism--A Calendar Computer from ca. 80 B.C.Derek de Solla Price. [REVIEW]J. North - 1977 - Isis 68 (1):142-143.
  20.  47
    History of Mathematics - The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Volume II: 1667–1670. Ed. by D. T. Whiteside, with the assistance in publication of M. A. Hoskin. London: Cambridge University Press. 1968. Pp. xxii + 520. £10 10s. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1969 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (3):289-290.
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  21.  33
    Newtonian Studies - The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton. Volume V, 1683–1684. Ed. by D. T. Whiteside, with the assistance in publication of M. A. Hoskin and A. Prag. London: Cambridge University Press, 1972. Pp. xxiv + 628. £20. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1973 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (4):444-445.
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  22.  11
    Should endemism be a focus of conservation efforts along the North Pacific Coast of North America?J. A. Cook & S. O. MacDonald - 2001 - Biological Conservation 97 (2):207-213.
    Most documented extinctions of vertebrates in the last 400 years have been island endemics. In this paper, we focus on the need to develop a historical framework to establish conservation priorities for insular faunas and, in particular, to test the validity of nominal endemics. We use the example of the islands of the North Pacific Coast of North America, a region that includes approximately one-half of all mammals endemic to North American islands north of Mexico. Few (...)
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  23.  41
    History of Mathematics - The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Volume I: 1664–1666. Edited by D. T. Whiteside, with the assistance in publication of M. A. Hoskin. London: Cambridge University Press, 1967. £10 10s. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):82-84.
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  24.  27
    Middle Ages Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Science, and Logic. Collected Papers, 1933–1969. By Ernest A. Moody. Berkeley, Los Angeles, & London: University of California Press, 1975. Pp. xx + 454. £11.00. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1977 - British Journal for the History of Science 10 (3):258-260.
  25.  47
    Mathematics - The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Volume III, 1670–1673. Ed. by D. T. Whiteside, with the assistance in publication of M. A. Hoskin and A. Prag. London: Cambridge University Press. 1969. Pp. xxxvii + 576. £10 10s. [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1970 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (2):188-189.
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  26.  29
    There’s No Crying in Baseball, or Is There? Male Athletes, Tears, and Masculinity in North America.Heather J. MacArthur & Stephanie A. Shields - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):39-46.
    We explore men’s negotiation of emotional expression within larger social discourses around masculinity. Drawing on the phenomenon of men’s crying within the competitive sports context, we demonstrate that although the prevailing image of men’s emotion is one of constricted expression and experience, inexpressivity is representative neither of typical nor ideal masculinity in contemporary dominant culture. We first review the literature on prevailing cultural beliefs about normative male emotional expression, then focus on literature specific to men’s tears. Turning to a discussion (...)
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  27.  80
    J. C. Shepherdson. Algorithmic procedures, generalized Turing algorithms, and elementary recursion theory. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 285–308. - J. C. Shepherdson. Computational complexity of real functions. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1985, pp. 309–315. - A. J. Kfoury. The pebble game and logics of programs. Harvey Friedman's research on the foundations of mathematics, edited by L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. S̆c̆edrov, and S. G. Simpson, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 117, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, an. [REVIEW]J. V. Tucker - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):876-878.
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  28. Review of Nugayev's book "Reconstruction of Scientific Theory Change". [REVIEW]J. D. North - 1992 - Archives Internationales D’Histoire des Sciences 42:176.
    The monograph is aimed at an analysis of the reasons for theory change in science. The writer develops a model of theory change according to which the origins of scientific revolutions lie not in a clash of fundamental theories with facts, but of ‘old’ fundamental theories with each other.
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  29.  13
    A Survey of Rural Ethics Teaching in North American Allopathic and Osteopathic Medical Schools.C. M. Klugman, W. A. Nelson, L. L. Anderson-Shaw & J. A. Gelfond - 2020 - Voices in Bioethics 1.
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    Stig Kanger. A simplified proof method for elementary logic. Computer programming and formal systems, edited by P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1963, pp. 87–94. [REVIEW]J. A. Robinson - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):119.
  31.  26
    Immigrants from the North.M. J. D. & R. A. Crossland - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):381.
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    Ethics committees for biomedical research in some African emerging countries: which establishment for which independence? A comparison with the USA and Canada.J. -P. Rwabihama, C. Girre & A. -M. Duguet - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):243-249.
    Context The conduct of medical research led by Northern countries in developing countries raises ethical questions. The assessment of research protocols has to be twofold, with a first reading in the country of origin and a second one in the country where the research takes place. This reading should benefit from an independent local ethical review of protocols. Consequently, ethics committees for medical research are evolving in Africa. Objective To investigate the process of establishing ethics committees and their independence. Method (...)
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  33.  55
    Max Black. The identity of indiscernibles. Mind, n.s. vol. 61 , pp. 153–164. Reprinted with minor changes in: Problems of analysis, Philosophical essays, by Max Black, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1954, pp. 80–92, 292–293. - Gustav Bergmann. The identity of indiscernibles and the formalist definition of “identity.”Mind, n.s. vol. 62 , pp. 75–79. - N. L. Wilson. The identity of indiscernibles and the symmetrical universe. Mind, n.s. vol. 62 , pp. 506–511. - A. J. Ayer. The identity of indiscernibles. Actes du XIème Congrès International de Philosophie, Volume III, Métaphysique et ontologie, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1953, and Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1953, pp. 124–129. Reprinted in Philosophical essays by A. J. Ayer, St. Martin's Press, New York 1954, and Macmillan & Co., London 1954, pp. 26–35. - D. J. O'Connor. The identity of indiscernibles. Analysis , vol. 14 no. 5 , pp. 103–110. - Nicholas Rescher. The identity of indiscernibles: A reinterpretation. The. [REVIEW]Charles A. Baylis - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (1):85-86.
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    The North-Eastern Frontier: A Documentary Study of the Internecine Rivalry between India, Tibet, and China. Vol. II, 1914-1954.Robert J. Young & Parshotam Mehra - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):677.
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    The North-Eastern Frontier: A Documentary Study of the Internecine Rivalry between India, Tibet, and China, Vol. I, 1906-14.Robert J. Young & Parshotam Mehra - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):499.
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  36.  44
    Improving rates of herpes zoster vaccination with a clinical decision support system in a primary care practice.Rajeev Chaudhry, Sidna M. Schietel, Fred North, Ramona Dejesus, Rebecca L. Kesman & Robert J. Stroebel - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):263-266.
  37. Developing mixed methods research in sport and exercise psychology : potential contributions of a critical realist perspective.Tatiana V. Ryba, Gareth Wiltshire, Julian North & Noora J. Ronkainen - 2020 - International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 20 (1).
    Notwithstanding diverse opinions and debates about mixing methods, mixed methods research (MMR) is increasingly being used in sport and exercise psychology. In this paper, we describe MMR trends within leading sport and exercise psychology journals and explore critical realism as a possible underpinning framework for conducting MMR. Our meta-study of recent empirical mixed methods studies published in 2017–2019 indicates that eight (36%) of the 22 MMR studies explicitly stated a paradigmatic position (five drew on pragmatism, two switched paradigms between qualitative (...)
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  38.  77
    Robinson J. A.. Logic: form and function. The mechanization of deductive reasoning. Artificial intelligence series. North-Holland, New York 1979, vi + 312 pp. [REVIEW]J. D. Halpern - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):227-229.
  39.  73
    Clarity and appeal of a multimedia informed consent tool for biobanking.S. A. McGraw, C. A. Wood-Nutter, M. Z. Solomon, K. J. Maschke, J. T. Bensen, J. T. Benson & D. E. Irwin - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (1):9-19.
    The complexity of biobank research raises concerns about individuals’ understanding of the information conveyed in the consent process for such research.. We report the results of a qualitative, cognitive interview study with an ethnically, linguistically, and educationally diverse sample of 43 respondents to assess the clarity and utility of a multimedia tool developed for a biobank. Using weighted randomization, respondents were assigned to either view the multimedia tool or read a written consent document . The study illustrates the utility of (...)
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    Efforts to inspire transformative research with farmers in a small town in the North West Province of South Africa.L. Serolong, N. R. A. Romm, A. Arko-Achemfuor, J. Karel & J. McIntyre-Mills - 2019 - International Journal for Transformative Research 6 (1):10-19.
    The project review as outlined in this article explores the questions: What is transformative research and what is transformation as far as the community stakeholders are concerned? To what extent has the transformative research achieved its intended outcomes? The Bokamoso project (founded by Lesego Serolong as facilitator and investor) is an integrated development project designed to create employment and to enable the community to learn while they make a living through a diverse range of farming activities. The participatory research as (...)
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  41.  26
    Decolonial Model of Environmental Management and Conservation: Insights from Indigenous-led Grizzly Bear Stewardship in the Great Bear Rainforest.J. Walkus, C. N. Service, D. Neasloss, M. F. Moody, J. E. Moody, W. G. Housty, J. Housty, C. T. Darimont, H. M. Bryan, M. S. Adams & K. A. Artelle - 2021 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 24 (3):283-323.
    ABSTRACT Global biodiversity declines are increasingly recognized as profound ecological and social crises. In areas subject to colonialization, these declines have advanced in lockstep with settler colonialism and imposition of centralized resource management by settler states. Many have suggested that resurgent Indigenous-led governance systems could help arrest these trends while advancing effective and socially just approaches to environmental interactions that benefit people and places alike. However, how dominant management and conservation approaches might be decolonized (i.e., how their underlying colonial structure (...)
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  42.  72
    Abraham A. Fraenkel and Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. Foundations of set theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1958, X + 415 pp. [REVIEW]J. R. Shoenfield - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):141.
  43.  22
    A Non-Heuristic Program for Proving Elementary Logical Theorems.B. Dunham, R. Fridshal, G. L. Sward & J. H. North - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):266-266.
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  44.  42
    Loveland Donald W.. Automated theorem proving. A logical basis. Fundamental studies in computer science, vol. 6. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1978, xiii + 405 pp. [REVIEW]J. A. Robinson - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (3):629-630.
  45.  93
    McCarthy J.. Towards a mathematical science of computation. Information processing 1962, Proceedings oflFIP Congress 62, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, Munich, 27 August-1 September 1962, edited by Popplewell Cicely M., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1963, pp. 21–28.McCarthy John. Problems in the theory of computation. Information processing 1965, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 65, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, New York City, May 24–29, 1965, Volume I, edited by Kalenich Wayne A., Spartan Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., and Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 219–222. [REVIEW]Richard J. Orgass - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):346-347.
  46.  16
    The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. [REVIEW]J. A. McWilliams - 1942 - Modern Schoolman 19 (4):79-79.
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    Challenging the Iconography of Oppression in Marketing: Confronting Speciesism Through Art and Visual Culture.J. Keri Cronin & Lisa A. Kramer - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (1):80-92.
    Visual culture has normalized systemic and institutional cruelty toward animals in North America through an iconography of oppression. Certain kinds of images that sanitize and celebrate the consumption of animal bodies through our contemporary food systems are constantly repeated through marketing channels. In doing so, they help us to avoid addressing the very ethical questions at the heart of these practices. In contrast to this, a number of contemporary artists have relied on visual culture to disrupt this pattern of (...)
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  48.  23
    Faith and Philosophical Analysis: The Impact of Analytical Philosophy on the Philosophy of Religion.Harriet A. Harris & Christopher J. Insole - 2005 - Routledge.
    What tensions arise between philosophy of religion and theology? What strengths and weaknesses of analytical methods emerge in relation to strongly confessional philosophical theologies, or to Continental philosophies? Faith and Philosophical Analysis evaluates how well philosophy of religion serves in understanding religious faith. Figures who rarely share the space of the same book - leading exponents of analytic philosophy of religion and those who question its legacy - are drawn together in this book, with their disagreements harnessed to positive effect. (...)
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  49.  30
    Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions, Part 1: '-L; Part 2: M-T.Gary A. Rendsburg, J. Hoftijzer & K. Jongeling - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):96.
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    Social justice-oriented narratives in European urban food strategies: Bringing forward redistribution, recognition and representation.Sara A. L. Smaal, Joost Dessein, Barend J. Wind & Elke Rogge - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):709-727.
    More and more cities develop urban food strategies to guide their efforts and practices towards more sustainable food systems. An emerging theme shaping these food policy endeavours, especially prominent in North and South America, concerns the enhancement of social justice within food systems. To operationalise this theme in a European urban food governance context we adopt Nancy Fraser’s three-dimensional theory of justice: economic redistribution, cultural recognition and political representation. In this paper, we discuss the findings of an exploratory document (...)
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